This past week has been full of fun and excitement. I love this time of year! There is always such a happy buzz at the school as the children are finishing all their projects and their 'secret' presents for the family. And of course, there are the graham cracker/ginger bread houses full of slopped on frosting and half eaten candies. You gotta love it!!
Last week I was able to get a bit of scrappin in but this week I wanted to try and focus on the kids. We've snuggled and watched Christmas movies, wrapped presents, made cookies, had play dates and read lots of books about the Christmas story- the true meaning of Christmas. There are kinds of projects I'd like to get done but the truth is, I don't want this Christmas to pass and my kids see me too busy to even reinforce to them what the season is all about. Plus, just getting to be with them while they're home from school for two weeks is such a blessing.

These are a few things that I made last week with some of my new goodies that lovely Secret Santa sent me. Thank you Tracy!!! I also finished my Piggy Tales peek-a-boo album which was a ton of fun to do. I think I will post that here tomorrow.
A few days ago I had a little bit of excitement. If you've ever been published, you'll be able to relate to this! I was in somewhat local craft store that carries Scrapbook Trends and CARDS idea books. I got to see my work for the very first time in print!! It was soooo incredibly fun! Scrapbook Trends Wedding has the layout I did about ARte's cousin Peter and CARDS has my very first ever card published on a two page spread. Super fun to see. Also out right now is Scrapbook Trends Dec. issue which has my clear mini album but I haven't got to see a copy of it yet. Soon though! I'm supposed to be getting them in the mail. That would be a fun thing to get right before Christmas!!
Right now... I'm trying to decide what would be a fun thing to do with my kids tomorrow. A.J. LOVES Monopoly and Ashley is catching on to it but it's not real fun for Kelsey. Hmmmm... it would be though to set up a game on the table tonight and have it all ready to go in the morning for us to play at least for a little while!! I think I'll set out some Christmas mugs and hotchocolate with marshmellows for them to each make with their breakfast. Now THAT sounds fun!! okay...I'm off to set up a table!