You would never believe that I went to church this morning in this building.

Don't get me wrong!! It didn't look
a thing like this when we met together this morning. That's why I'm so stunned!
Today was monumental in the life of our church. It was such a fun, and exciting morning. Then it became emotional and a bit nerve-racking. You see, today was the last day that we will be meeting in our church and having a ceiling that drips. Seriously!! What I have always loved about this church since we came 4 1/2 years ago is that it doesn't matter to them that they've had to meet in a run down building. They were just there to worship and meet God. It's so awesome to see how God has blessed our church through a time of transition and provision, allowing for the purchase of the building and now...finally, the reconstruction!!! The
much needed reconstruction!!
It was mentioned this morning how ironic that this building used to be a mortuary. heard me correct. A mortuary! It was called Batemen's funeral home. But that was what God had provided for them and for 17 years before we had come this church, they rented it on Sunday mornings. Now, that is obedience. I don't know how I would have felt about meeting in a mortuary! LOL!! But seriously, it's so exciting to hear them talk about how God was able to bring new life to people and how it didn't matter to them. They were alive in Jesus and that's all that mattered! I believe that this church is now reaping what they sowed in their obedience. I believe that God is up to something bit and I don't just mean in our building. There was an energy and an annointing and an excitement in the room this morning like I've never felt before.
We will be meeting at the grade school for the summer time and so many of us feel the prompting of the Lord that 'this is the time.' We are going to take back His territory. This congergation is so hungry and on fire to reach our community for His glory and it just feels like the gate has just been opened. I feel so blessed to be apart of this great move.
You would not believe that I came home from church to feed the kids and then came back after doing a few things, four hours later and found the building striped (there are endless sermon illustrations swirling through my head!) I can't tell you how full my heart is to know how willing these people are to give up their summers and devote themselves to this project. How is it that we've been blessed with such a beautiful flock of people. You should have heard them as they shared during the service this morning, about how they have felt other's reach out to one another. About, how the love spread amongst one another is really what the church is...not a building. I could have fell to the ground in a heap of tears. I was so touched.
'Oh Lord, please poor out your blessing on this devoted congeration. Give us strength to endure the tasks ahead and wisdom to make the many decisions. Bless the church with the provision needed for it to come to pass. And mostly, may you be glorified in each service that we have and among every conversation spoken. Bind us together with cords that cannot be broken and not our will, Lord, but may your will be done.'
Okay, so I've never prayed in my blog before but my heart is full of gratitude and I often pray when I journal.
Arte and I covet any of your prayers this summer as this can be such a stretching time for Pastors and for the volunteer contractor and for the many people who are giving up their summer to see it through.
It feels so strange to be Pastors of a church and not to have a building. Wow, talk about trust. God is good and He is faithful. We are amazed at how every time we hit a roadblock financially, He just dropped the amount we needed. There have been many confirmations along the way. Knowing that we are in His will is all that we need right now. He will provide the rest. The finances, the workers, the right color paint. LOL!
So, if I disappear for a bit, you will know where to find's here.....