Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fed Ex and Fiskars Tape!

There's nothing quite like the boost of mojo you get when the rumble of the Fed-Ex truck rolls in front of your house. I always tip toe to the door and open it real quick so they won't ring the door bell and wake up Kelsey. Somehow, they are always so friendly that they seem to have a big booming voice that says 'heellllllooooo.' It was a 'new guy.' I'll get him trained. LOL! Sure enough, it woke up Kelsey but I was too excited to care!

It's so fun getting a box of goodies when you are right in the middle of crafting. It was my prize box from Fiskars from when I won their Father's Day contest. Guess what was in the box????? FISKARS adhesive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the BOMB!! I have never found an adhesive that I like better and I had just ran out of mine. There are no places around me that sell it either.

Along with the tape, I got a pile of goodies from the new Heidi Grace line called 'Only Time.' Wow, it's gorgeous and quite different from anything I've yet seen. Looky here!

So, of course I got very distracted from my current project and came up with this card.

Remeber those photos a few posts back of my brother's new house?? It kinda looks like the one on this card, don't ya think? LOL!!

Well...he'll most likely end up getting this card! I created it with some of the other new Heidi Grace goodies that I just got on my big shopping spree at Craftwarehouse!

I also created this sweet....project that I can only post a 'peek' of. It was fun to do and I love how it turned out.

Speaking of which, Delana was kind enough to send some me some photos of the big 'crowning' right after they handed me my $500 gift card. Do I look happy???? LOL!

I have some other things that I want to share that I've been working on but can't just quite yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll post a few 'peeks' and the RAK that I was wanting to do.

Today, I'd like to leave you with one last project. It has a special verse on it. I have a lot of friends who are going through some hard times. I hope this will lift your spirits!

(Triple the Sketch #22)


Unknown said...

WOO-HOOOO contgrats on your win, how exciting & those goodies look amazing... enjoy!!
Your cards are absolutely gorgeous, WOW!!

Laura Bray said...

When I my daughter was napping, I had a deal with all my delivery guys! Congrats on your win-it looks like the goodies went into some wonderful projects!

Janice said...

Gorgeous creations as always my friend!! I am so excited about all you new goodies too!!

Linda Beeson said...

The card with that white lace paper on it is just so cool!


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