This month, Collage press sent us the most amazing package. Three new lines of paper; Scrooge & Marley, Seeds, and Grayson Hall. Not only that, but 3 new stamps sets as well; clear stamps. You can only imagine the fun I've had creating with these goodies!! I wanted to show you my absolutely favorite line of them all, but honestly, they are all so beautiful. I just can't choose one.
Here is a card that I created using most of my Collage Press Goodies. I actually created it for Triple the Sketch #34. Right now there is an awesome RAK up for grabs so make sure and check it out!!

And here is another card I created for Triple the Sketch #33.

And here are some of the inside pages of the mini album that I promised to upload this week. These are some photos that I'd already scrapped on a layout but this an album that I'd like to actually give to Kelsey when she's older. Do you ever think about that? Are you going to keep your baby album or pass it on? I know some people who make double. Can you imagine?? LOL!

Thanks for lookin'!! Say 'hello' if you get a chance! I'd love to hear from you.
Blessings on your day!