I thought the ceremony was amazing and very moving. I think it's fascinating that we have a President with a young family. That alone has drawn my children's attention to the whole world of politics. Kelsey keeps asking, when do we get to see him go into the...'white' house. LOL!! So sweet.
This event and many others have been making me think a lot about family in these last few weeks. This year I want to focus on more 'play' time. I still can't believe that Kelsey is now in ballet. Today was her first 'official' day. She beamed the entire time. Loved it.
There's a family in my life right now who I love so much. Great parents. Adorable, precious boys. I thank God for them. I've been wanting to share some photos that I took of the seven of them playin' at the beach. Maybe this will inspire you to get out there and spend some time 'playing' with the ones you love. Thane and Becky have graciously allowed me to share these photos with you all. They know my dream is to some day be a 'real' photographer!
Aren't they the cutest EVER!!
Okay, now to share some scrappy news. Have you been following the peeks??? This is just a small treat of what is yet to come with Collage Press. This paper called 'Sweet Shop' is so gorgeous. I can't wait until everyone can see the rest of it!
And if you are looking to 'fetch' some great paper for the little man in your life, check out these boy papers from PINK Paislee!! (Well...okay they could be for a girl too...)

And of course, these adorable papers for all the princess in our lives. You can find lots of creative inspiration for the lines here.