So much to share! Can I just start off by saying that I'm beyond tickled to read the comments that you leave. It seriously means so much!! It's neat to find out that some of you who I've met once or twice and barely even know are checking it out and even leaving comments. Bethany....I was touched by what you wrote. I can't wait until you can be here some day to see the new building.
On that same note, I didn't get a chance to add any interior shots yesterday, so I took a few this morning and then my battery ran out. No surprise to some of you. LOL
This beautiful wooden art representing Foursquare was created by a member in our church (Dave W.) and added to the outside. Doesn't it look awesome?? And here are a few shots of the interior.

Here is a fun card that I used fabric and denim on. I also used the Fiskars Leave it to Weaver border punch to create the design on the bottom.

Overby what??? Some of you may be asking after reading that title. Last year we started a tradition. You can read about it
in this post here. This is when I let me kiddos imagination run wild. They get to come with their ingredients and invent whatever new treat they can think of. This year it was 'Kabob Treats.' But even better than watching their creative imaginations come alive, was the words I heard come out of my son's mouth, 'We should make a tradition every year of making up a new tradition!' Honestly, that statement says so much and it warms my heart. I know that the strength of a family is partly built by family time that is centered around traditions. If you don't have any holiday traditions during the Christmas season, I would definitely start one. Even if it is as simple as 'hot chocolate' at breakfast. There is just something about the fact that 'our family does something together every year' that children hold on to.
October 10th Overby Annual Treat Invention Day just seemed to come about last year and we decided to make it a tradition. Kinda crazy. But lots of fun! Check out the treat garden we made!!

Yesterday was also very full of soccer with games for each of the three sweet peas. K scored her very first goal! What a riot to watch lil' 3-5 years old. You don't even want to know how many photos I took. The rainy season is supposed to be starting so I needed to take advantage of the sunshine! LOL I will share those photos another day.
It was Max's first time watching as well. He loved all the attention. Speaking of Mr. Max. He has a new favorite spot...right smack dab in the middle of my flower bed. Hmmmmmm...

And here he is doing his dog job...protecting the household...I mean, just bein' cute. LOL

One other exciting thing to share!
Spellbinders Paper Arts and
Tattered Angels are coming together to do a blog relay.

I'll be posting my project soon and there may even be a bit of eye candy to be had! Here is a sneak peek of my glimmer mist project!

Blessings on your Sunday!