JILLIBEAN SOUP!! Isn't that the most adorable name ever??!! This is a newer, up and coming manufacturer whose booth I stumbled upon at CHA. I wish I had of taken photos in the booth. All their stuff very, very cool. A lot of it is made out of Kraft paper. Check out there website
here.When I told them I was designer they asked me how much I'd been published and in what magazines. Then they piled me up with these goodies so I could show off their stuff. Eazy peazy!! So much fun to work with. Here are a few cards that I plan on submitting this month. Aren't those letters such a great font?

*******I'll be closing my RAK in the post
here today at noon.*********
Ready to see some more of the goods??

These yummies were in the SassFrass booth.
Here are some fun creations from the Maya Road display. Oh...they had the most fun ribbon. I should have got a photo. It was like nothing I'd seen before. Here's a
link but honestly, it doesn't do it any justice at all! I will definitly be ordering some of that!

On to some Pink Paislee eye candy! Some of you will recognize these beauties from the lovely DT. Some of you made them. Bawhaaa!!

I stood and gazed for quite a while. I
love a lot of their new lines and embellies! Here's a shot of Rebecca and I...the owner of PP. And as some of my newer scrappy friends may not now, the previous owner of CMK!!

I wished I had taken a photo of their entire booth. It was beautiful. I did however get one of the Doddlebug Designs booth. Too cute!

The Prima booth was oozing with the most amazing embellishments. Remember the day that we used to do swapps and we would buy one bottle of flowers with about 300 flowers that were all the same color and then we'd all trade? Doesn't work so well now that their flowers come in packs of
two for the most part. LOL

One last photo of me with all my A Cherry On Top buddies. Some I had met last year, and others, this was my first year meeting up irl. What a blast we had! It was such an honor and priviledge to get to know you cherry girls!

I have so many other photos to share. My disco party ones and all the Fiskars booth ones. Cheryl
without her wig, ect. LOL!! I'll save those for the next post. This is already so loaded with photos. Sorry about that! You asked! You got 'em!!
********update....it's after noon now and I used Random Generator to choose my winner.********
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Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-02-05 20:55:46 UTC
That makes you the winner of my Fiskars RAK Danielle! Congratulations!!!