I actually scrapped using the Fiskars sketch of the month which I haven't done in a while. A friend asked me how I liked using sketches and honestly, it's not always my favorite thing to do. But, sometimes you just want to the pictures and the memories recorded. Last night when I worked on this layout using the Fiskars sketch, it was one of those times. It only took me about 30 min. and I just wanted to quickly record the sweet memories of Kelsey's dear friend who moved away. So, although this may not be my style, I was happy to get it done and I think it turned out pretty cute!

Then this afternoon, I finally taped this layout down. It's been in the works for awhile. I had some left over 'Dutch Girl' that I wanted to use. And, I stumbled upon this sweet photo of A.J. when he was just born. I've been wanting to scrap it for some time now. Then, I heard from Susan that they were having a challenge at Sisterhood of Scrap to create a layout inspired by the name of a T.V. show. Who doesn't love 'A Baby Story?' Perfect title for my layout. If you double click on the page, it will pop up bigger if you want to read the journaling. tlf!! ;)

Speaking of my sweet .A.J. **sigh** He is off at kids camp. I drove him up on Friday with my good friend Jodi. I already miss him so terribly much! On the way back, we took the girls to the Aquadic Park in Corvallis. That was so fun! I actually felt HEAT on my skin! Wahoo!!! Back on the coast it's cold and dark again but I'm sure there are sunny days ahead.