I love Easter. It's such a wonderful time of year. Not only is the message of Easter all about new life but there is new life all around. The budding trees, the blooming daffodils, the Easter 'eggs', the new born babies, the beautiful butterflies; all such great reminders of what it is to have new life. I feel so blessed that I was given new life in Jesus at a young age as a child.
My favorite part of Easter this year was seeing my sweet A.J. experiencing and living out that same new life that he has found in his relationship with Jesus. It was fabulous Sunday morning service. It was rainy and gloomy outside but everyone still came in their Easter outfits and it was packed! I was on the platform playing the keyboard when during our praise and worship time, I glanced over and saw A.J. with his eyes closed as he sang his heart out. It just warmed my heart to know that this lil' 8 year old didn't just come to 'church' for his Mama and he didn't just sing the songs because he was 'supposed to.' He really genuinely was singing his heart out to Jesus because of his love for Him. I think it was the most thrilling moment of my parenting experience so far. Which of course, was a moment that also contributed to making this one of the greatest Easters so far!
It was also one of my favorite Easters because we had an Easter egg hunt WITH Dad this year. Usually, he has leave so early for Sunday morning service that he misses out on the morning fun of finding the 'eggs' that were hidden. So, this year we had a night time Easter egg hunt. I bought these glow in the dark eggs that were intended to be used at night. RIP OFF!! Sorry. I even took a photo of them before I hid them because I was going to do this great product review. Nope. Don't buy them! THe green strip TOTALLY does not glow AT all! But, it did come with flash lights and it was a fun family time despite the lack of 'glowing green' eggs!

This is also the first Easter we were able to spend with my brother and siter-in-law. Of course, that made it extra special as well. I love seeing my lil' nephew Tanner who is only 1 years old and changing month by month.

We left after Church to join Arte's parents at his brothers. It was so fun to be all together as a family. The cousins had a riot and of course all the kids stayed up WAY to late!
The next day we continued our journey and drove all the way to my best friend Karen's house. Spent then night. Stayed up WAY too late again and drove to my parents. Here we spent the first day having another enormous Easter dinner feast and were blessed with a visit from my two brothers, my sister-in-law and my niece, Jasmine. Such fun!
Phew! That's what Spring break is for right? A few extra late nights and spending time with friends and family? We're loving it.
That was my last two days in a nutshell. Hope you are having a great Spring Break as well.
Oh... AND guess what??? You'll never believe what town I'm in right now and for the next week! The same town as Andrea Wiebe! That's right! For those of you who were trying to guess what it was that we had in common, it's that we are from the same home town. Small world, eh? She was so sweet to send me a really nice RAK. Now it's time to pass on the love! I'd have to say that Pam, you were definitely the closest to answering correctly... ding, ding, ding.... we have a winner!!! When I get back home, I'll be sending a fun lil' RAK.
Happy Spring!