I want to reflect on some things that I'm thankful for today as I write this post. First, a few scrappy things to share. These two cards, I'm extremely thankful to say, were picked up by Scrapbook Trends and are in the current November issue that came out last month.

Have you had a chance to see this issue yet? I haven't seen it irl yet. Anxious to get my hands on a copy though! This first card is full of some of my favorite products and I just loved the way it turned out.

I love thanksgiving and I read the greatest quote about it today.
"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." - W.J. Cameron
I'm so thankful for my Pastor, husband and best friend who I trust, honor and love with all my heart.
I'm so thankful for my three precious babies who growing into independant thinkers that love the Jesus. That warms my heart.
I'm so thankful for the rich heritage on both sides of family. What a blessing to be raised by such Godly people.
I'm so thankful for my immediate and extended family who put up with all my shortcomings and love me anyway.
I'm truly, truly so thankful for a roof over my head and for the warmth I feel each night when I go to sleep.
Most of all, I'm thankful for my Lord and Savior who continues to amaze me with His unconditional love, grace and mercy.
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says "Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Ya know, when I reflect on my life, I realize I've had it pretty easy. I've never lost a best friend, child or immediate family member. I've never had a huge, life altering experience. Some times I wonder if an enormous trial came along my path, would I be able to handle it and give thanks in all things? Ah....but then I'm reminded. That is what is so cool about God. It is at that time in our weakness that He becomes our strength and gives us the grace to handle whatever it is that comes our way. Phew. Such wonderful reassurance and just one more thing to be grateful about.
My list could go and on and on. I'm sure yours could to. There's many things to be thankful about. Right now, I'm thankful for my blog readers and to thank you, I want to offer another give-away. I truly do appreciate each and every one of you. I love it when you post comments but even when you don't, I'm thankful that I've been able to be an inspiration to you.
Here is what I would like to offer for this Thanksgiving RAK. It will be open until next Friday, Dec. 4th, midnight PST.

May the Lord richly bless you and yours this Thanksgiving Holiday.